Monday, August 13, 2012

I know it's been a while..... again.  I've been so busy and since I wasn't in a steady classroom I just didn't have too much to say.

As the end of the school year was beginning to hit I still had no job for the summer/fall.  A desperate attempt through Facebook landed me a summer job as a camp counselor and since I was dying to move out I quickly jumped on the opportunity to move to New Orleans!  As luck would have it, the day I began moving in I also landed an interview at a private school in the New Orleans area.  I have fallen absolutely, positively in love with my new home!

I started out as lead Kindergarten counselor at the camp, but weeks into camp groups had to be split and combined so the last couple weeks of camp I was also with Pre-Kindergarten.

A walk through a typical week at camp:
Monday- Color Wars (relay races)
Tuesday- Water Day
Wednesday- Rotations (crafts, music, cooking/science, outdoor recreation, & bible story)
Thursday- Field Trip
Friday- Water Day

Here are some pictures I've taken (children not pictured):
Brandi helping me check out at Winn Dixie LCM
Street Car Conductor at LCM

Petting zoo came to camp! Loved the piggies!

Trip to Global Wildlife

Swinging with PJ

Water Day
Biscuit pizza made on cooking day
Me, Katy, and Brandi at Storyland

My favorite! For 4th of July we made handprint flag t-shirts!
Bottom right, Brandi, Katy, & I had to show off our awesomeness.

I think I had more fun at summer camp than my 26 sweet kiddos did.  Since camp ended I'm on my 3rd week of vacation.   On Friday I will begin working with the 2 1/2 & 3 year olds at a private school close by.  I am super pumped!

Stick around, I promise many updates with stories of my babies when school starts!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Life After Student Teaching

It's official!  I'm a certified pre-kindergarten to 3rd grade teacher!  The roller coaster I was on for five and a half years is finally over.  Unfortunately, I got out of school at an absolutely awful time in the economy.  First off, my parish has been under desegregation stuff and apparently at this point are not hiring all races.  In a parish over they cut pretty much all teachers who have not had at least 3 years experience because they are suffering from budget cuts.  I decided this meant I am meant to leave this town, find a new state, start my life over.  I chose North Carolina.  I applied several places and found out about a month ago they put a hold on all teaching positions.  Where does that leave all new graduates?  Substituting.

Honestly, substituting is the most fantastic choice... if you don't need to work because your husband allows you to be a housewife.  I love it!  I get to see my fantastic 2nd graders quite often without actually having to be there every single day.  Also, I have been in several schools, talked with many principals, seen different forms of classroom management routines, and gotten my name out there.  When they call and need a substitute I can accept or decline.  The problems that occur are: the phone calls at 7 am needing you 20 mins away by 7:45 (but keep in mind the time required to get dressed & pack a lunch) and the fact that one does not get paid much.

Every day is a new day.  Every experience gets me one step closer.  And starting next Monday I will take over a 4th grade teacher's class while she is out on maternity leave.  Wish me luck.  It's also part of an interview.  With that being said, stay tuned for more stories after next week.